Saturday, October 22, 2011

Floor demolition complete, prep for tile installation in progress

Our tile installer and his team has completed removing all the VCTs and carpeting in the hallway. They've been scraping the mastic for a day or so, and here is what the floor looks like after removing VCTs and scraping most of the mastic:

While most areas are clean enough to get proper thinset bonding, some areas still have too much mastic like the area closer to where I am standing while taking the picture above. Therefore, Jake and his team are going use a grinder on those areas to clean them further.

After all the grinding and additional cleaning, we've applied some RedGard to prevent against cracking of grout over time as the concrete slab develops cracks or as existing cracks grow (and yes there are cracks on our slab). We've applied only one very thin coat of RedGard, because I've read on the "Internets" that it's got some insulating capabilities (note that it is a bad idea to put insulation on a radiant heated slab). So, just in case, we've had a very thin roll put on just to give some cracking protection. This is what it looks like while it is drying:

Next... setting the chalk lines and tile installation! Stay tuned..

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